(Jacksonville, Florida, USA & Panama City, Panama) William H. Coleman, Inc. and Visit Panama confirm that Panama City, Panama will host the 44th TravelMart LatinAmerica (TMLA’22) September 21-23, 2022.
TravelMart LatinAmerica is returning to this popular Central America tourism destination after a 16-year absence.
Panama has a long and important history hosting this prestigious Latin America Tourism Event; in 2006, in 1995, and in 1979 when the Latin America Travel Industry was just beginning to develop.

TMLA’22 will be one of the first opportunities that Latin America Tourism owners and managers can “re-connect” in person after the COVID Pandemic. About 150 Travel Industry Tour Operator “Buyers” from the United States, Canada, Europe, Asia, and the Pacific, and 150 Supplier Companies from all Latin America destinations are expected to attend. A group of carefully qualified International Travel Journalists will also participate.
Buyer and Supplier attendance at TMLA is always “balanced” to help everyone have a productive and valuable experience, and that will be especially important this year.
Suppliers from the Host Country usually comprise about 20% of the total Supplier participation. The TravelMart LatinAmerica format features the exclusive William H. Coleman, Inc. “Select Match” prescheduled appointments system that arranges meetings between “Buyers and Suppliers” in advance.

Over 3,000 business appointments are expected to be pre-scheduled with many more appointments personally arranged during the Event.
TravelMart LatinAmerica Buyers and Suppliers will stay at Host Hotels in Panama City, and all TMLA delegates will be able to visit tourism sites throughout Panama by taking advantage of special Pre and Post Tours offered by registered Suppliers and coordinated by Visit Panama.
Panama Tourism has expanded dramatically in recent years, and many new and varied travel experiences are now available for all tourism segments, especially in Adventure, Eco-Tourism, and Luxury Travel. This will be an excellent opportunity for the global travel industry to personally see and experience everything that Panama and Visit Panama now offer visitors.

Manuel Cuevas, President of William H. Coleman, Inc., the TravelMart LatinAmerica organizing company, said: “We are very pleased to be returning to Panama City, Panama, and excited about the opportunity to showcase Panama.
We are working with a dedicated group of Travel Industry professionals from Visit Panama and the Host Organizations to make sure all TMLA’22 Delegates experience Panama’s Tourism Products, Professionalism, and Hospitality.”
Buyers pay a US$195 Registration Fee that includes three (3) nights single room accommodations, pre-scheduled appointments with Suppliers, all official business and social functions, ground transportation to official functions, and airport transfers.

Suppliers pay a US$2,495 Registration Fee that includes one delegate badge, a fully furnished stand/office, prescheduled appointments in Buyers, all official business and social functions, ground transportation to official functions, and airport transfers TravelMart LatinAmerica (TMLA) is produced and managed by William H. Coleman, Inc., an international events management firm headquartered in Jacksonville, Florida, USA.
Information and registration details are available on the official Web Site: www.travelmartlatinamerica.com; E-Mail personal questions: help@whcoleman.com. Delegates who have attended previous TravelMart LatinAmerica events or other William H. Coleman, Inc. events can easily manage their participation at www.mywhcoleman.com.
Fuente: Travel Mart LatinAmerica
Foto: VisitPanama
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